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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We’ll Take Simple Pleasures

Actually kind of hum drum since the last post at 2:30 am or so on Sunday morning. Angelique had been semi-responsive, mostly in the living room recliner. Brother James & Kim spent last night here to help me out. Thanks to them for that. Angelique awoke about 4 a.m.  and, thinking she could walk, which she cannot, tumbled into the furniture before I could get up to help her.

We put her into her recliner this morning and she spent virtually the entire day there. We watched “Gone With the Wind” for most of the day; it’s 3 1/2 hours long. Then I put in “Diner”. It’s considerably shorter, but she pretty much slept through both movies. I wasn’t about to let her out of my sight, though.

Then about eight o’clock, I remembered that Frank & Angie, our oldest and best friends were headed to La Grange. I called them and asked them to come over, even though she was asleep on the recliner. Frank, Angie, and the girls and I visited in the kitchen until about 10, when Angelique began to show signs of life. We wheeled her out to the porch and gave her a little wine and she “held court” for almost an hour before she became winded and we wheeled her back in and back to a horizontal position.

After being catatonic almost all day, she did really well with Frank & Angie Brauner. I think she sensed real friends and responded accordingly.

She and Bailey are snuggling now. I’m worried about both girls. Bailey has told me that when the time comes, she doesn’t want to be here. Our shrink says that they are both ok. Until I have evidence to dispute, I’ll go with that too.

Frank & Angie will be here tomorrow too. We may cook, or Frank & I may “escape”, depending on what’s going on.

Thanks for caring. Stay tuned.


  1. Sounds like a good "simple pleasure" Frank and Angie you are wonderful friends. Hang in there Brother. Love you.

  2. Just wanted you to know that you and Angelique have been on my mind. Yesterday the school district had our back to school convocation. We had a guest speaker named Rick Rigsby. He was awesome, but the reason I'm telling you about him is that he lost his first wife to cancer. He talked about how he got through her illness and death. He basically said all you can do is just stand up. Just keep standing up. Eventually you will walk, and after some time your heart will start beating again.
    My heart aches for you, Angelique, Bailey and Danielle (and the rest of your familY). Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
    Ann Raborn
