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Friday, August 14, 2009

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Well the big day finally arrived. After another late night last night, we slept in till about 10 this morning. By that time, a cake, two floral arrangements, one gift basket, and one Catholic Deacon had either been delivered, or had messages left to be delivered. It was crazy around here for the first hour today.

Ed & Monica were headed this way from Huntsville and they and James & Kim arrived just after Angelique awoke and just before all this activity started. Once Deacon John got here (with a birthday card in-hand), and gave all of us Holy Communion, our little birthday party was underway. She seemed to know that today was her birthday and seemed to enjoy being showered with all that attention. She had ice cream, opened presents and laughed a lot. After being up almost two hours, she wanted a bath; we opted for a shower after a bathtub mishap the other day. Then she ate a little “Queen Ranch Chicken”, compliments of my mom, and began to get tired.

We confronted the damned terminal restlessness again. I can tell when she’s tired, but her body just will not let her relax and get  some rest. Finally, by about 1:30 pm, she was asleep.

She slept till about 5:30. While she was in the process of awakening, our good friend, the beautiful, charming, witty, thrifty, wise, trustworthy, kind, and thoughtful Brenda Fietsam from down the road (she’s reading this) was here. She got to visit with Brenda for a pretty good while, till she got tired again and then we endeavored to get her restless body to lie down again. By that time, Kim & Becky were here to help. She finally gave in and fell asleep in the easy chair about 8:00.Angelique & Stacey

Angie and Stacy Winchell, November ‘08

“She’s resting now”. Cha-ching! There’s another nickel for me. (Inside joke—check last night’s post).

Thanks for caring. Stay tuned.


  1. As I was reading this i was listening to " We are the champions" by queen, totally reminds me of our family.

    "And we'll keep on fighting till the end..."

    -bailey :)

  2. I am so glad she had a good day. If funds were not an issue for me, my happy ass would have been there too. Thank you so much for the pic of Angelique and me. We have both been looking for it for a while and it gave me another good cry. Keep up the fight! I am here for all of you. I do not know if she will remember but if you get a chance, show it to her for me ok? After seeing the last picture i understand what you were saying Chris.

    Love and big hugs to everyone.

