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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby

I’m sitting here at 8:00 Thursday night trying to think of something brilliant to say.

Oh, well, I guess it ain’t gonna happen tonight.

Where we left off last night was that Angelique did stir after I posted my last entry here. The details were boring, but after having to call the nurses a couple of times for help, I got her to retire for the evening at about 2:30 this morning. She then slept until about 2:30 this afternoon. I had some business in town that caused me to have to leave her in Becky & Danielle’s care till I got back around 5. They said she seemed a little more “with it” than she did yesterday, but by the time I got home, she had gotten fatigued. We helped her to the bathroom a couple of times, got her the meds to help her relax and tucked her back in.

She’s sleeping now. I can hear the steady sound of her breathing in the monitor. I hope she is peaceful tonight. Hospice dropped off another concoction to use if her restlessness plagues her again. This one’s a gel that I will rub into her skin—strange.

Ange & Bailey July

Tomorrow is her 48th birthday. I hope she has a good day. It’s funny how we say to one another, usually upon parting, “have a good day”, without really thinking about it. Usually, it’s just an expression. We are at a point when we can really tell it’s a “good day”. I expect more company than usual tomorrow. If you plan on coming by, I hope you find her awake. Just try to keep it to a dull roar!

Thanks for caring. Stay tuned.


  1. Give her a big kiss from me on her Birthday. I am stuck at the plant. Russell

  2. Thanks for updating me and sharing with us Chris. It was good to talk to you. I hope to see ya'll in a couple of weeks.

  3. Happy Birthday Angelique. Georgia Edwards Pyeatt
